ACSL (American Computer Science League) Registration

American Computer Science League (ACSL)

Elementary Division: 6th grade and under can participate. This includes 4 contests. No coding experience is needed.

Each contest consists of an online 30-minute, 6-question non-programming test, focused on a single category of content.

Junior Division: 9th grade and under can participate. This includes 4 contests and 4 programing assignments. Some coding experience is needed.

Each contest consists of an online 30-minute, 6-question short answer test and an online programming problem to solve in 72 hours. 

ACSL Contest Schedule for 2024-25: Students can take the test during the contest window listed below

Based on the scores during the regular season, top students in all divisions will be invited by ACSL to participate in an online Finals:

Registration fees: $40

Email your name, student name and grade if you are unable to submit google form.